I made a small modification to phybs to verify the function of jumpers 7-8 on the WD Advanced Format drives (see here and here). It is supposed to cause the disk to internally shift every write by one sector, so that a write to sector 63 (where the first partition on a PC normally starts) actually goes to sector 64, which coincides with the beginning of a physical 4,096-byte sector. These numbers confirm this:
count size offset step msec tps kBps 32768 4096 0 16384 78631 34 1666 32768 4096 512 16384 79880 33 1640 32768 4096 1024 16384 73164 36 1791 32768 4096 1536 16384 77727 34 1686 32768 4096 2048 16384 76975 35 1702 32768 4096 2560 16384 74970 36 1748 32768 4096 3072 16384 79379 34 1651 32768 4096 3584 16384 28094 96 4665
The firmware on the disk shifts everything forward by 512 bytes, so all these passes are unaligned except the last one, because 3,584 + 512 = 4,096.