As Pieter de Goeje kindly pointed out, due to an overflow bug, phybs reported incorrect tps numbers. I’ve corrected the bug and started re-running the benchmarks, but so far, I’ve only had time to test the WD20EADS. Here are the results:
count size offset step msec tps kBps 131072 1024 0 4096 55121 2377 2377 131072 1024 512 4096 102522 1278 1278 65536 2048 0 8192 47447 1381 2762 65536 2048 512 8192 36531 1793 3587 65536 2048 1024 8192 64753 1012 2024 32768 4096 0 16384 37204 880 3522 32768 4096 512 16384 28833 1136 4545 32768 4096 1024 16384 43464 753 3015 32768 4096 2048 16384 37968 863 3452 16384 8192 0 32768 19079 858 6869 16384 8192 512 32768 25722 636 5095 16384 8192 1024 32768 27485 596 4768 16384 8192 2048 32768 21333 768 6144 16384 8192 4096 32768 27655 592 4739
Remember, this is not an Advanced Format drive, but it’s still surprisingly slow and surprisingly inconsistent.