LinkedIn endorsements

I keep getting email from LinkedIn telling me that someone in my network has endorsed me for this, that or the other skill. My initial reaction when these emails started arriving was surprise, because I knew about LinkedIn’s recommendation system but hadn’t heard about their new endorsement system. After a while, surprise turned to amusement. Allow me to explain why.

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Norovirus Nights

“Your fever is running pretty high. You should try to sleep for a while.”

“Can’t sleep. Clown will eat me.”

“What are you talking about?”

“The clown will eat me if I go to sleep.”

“Are you hallucinating about clowns or just yanking my chain?”

“I could tell you, but then the clown would have to eat you too.”



“Good. Now get some sleep.”

“It’s OK, clown. She believed me. You don’t have to eat her.”


So K made curry last night, and I helped out by chopping the veggies, and I chopped an onion and single-clove garlic and a green chili and then washed my hands and sat down in front of the TV, at which point my nose was slightly runny and I wiped it with the back of my hand and OH MY GOD IT BURNS.

Speaking purely hypothetically, I may also, some two or three ineffective hand-scrubbings later, have gone to the bathroom.

The chili was great, by the way, thanks for asking.

Focus follows mouse in Gnome 3

There are plenty of Google hits on that topic, but so far I haven’t found one that gives the right answer. Here it is:

% dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/wm/preferences/focus-mode \
    "string 'mouse'"

To switch back:

% dconf write /org/gnome/desktop/wm/preferences/focus-mode \
    "string 'click'"

This works in Gnome 3.4, and I assume (but haven’t verified) that it also works in Gnome 3.6. However, given the recent developments in Gnome land, I will probably move away from Gnome altogether.