Béranger, the author of the long rant on which I have commented twice before, seems deeply hurt by my comments. Deeply enough, at least, to spend most of his after game report lambasting me, and to post a complaint on freebsd-advocacy.
Read it if you like. He deliberately misunderstands me, twists my words (including some from private conversation), pounces on strawmen, and still can’t understand that the FreeBSD Foundation is a different entity from the FreeBSD Project, because apparently if the Foundation licenses and distributes software that runs on FreeBSD but isn’t included in FreeBSD, then the Foundation is FreeBSD.
And he still can’t get my name right.
I won’t bother rebutting.
1. Your name was taken from this official page: http://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.ISO8859-1/articles/contributors/staff-committers.html
2. The deliberately misunderstanding guy is you. I am not saying the F and the P are the same entity, what I said was about the liability.
I am sorry for having had good feelings for FreeBSD. I would rather not be using an OS made by developers LIKE YOU.
I can find dishonesty in any other OS.