Banana banana banana

I stumbled upon the banana argument today. I don’t know whether to laugh or cry. A bit of both, I guess.

Laugh: Pardon me for resorting to such crude humor, but nearly every argument Ray Comfort presents as “proof” that the banana was designed by God for human consumption can also be used to “prove” that the human penis was designed by God for fellatio. Continue reading “Banana banana banana”

Is “baidu” Japanese for “WTF”?

Several months ago, I virtualized most of the services running on, so now runs in a jail and has its own IP.

This morning, I discovered that I had forgotten to stop the Varnish instance that ran on, and that it was still getting traffic. I looked at the logs, and most of it was what you’d expect (attack bots looking for known vulnerabilities in various web servers or apps which I don’t run), but I certainly did not expect this: Continue reading “Is “baidu” Japanese for “WTF”?”