Vaccines cause autism and… what, exactly?

I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about this whole MMR / autism brouhaha lately, partly because it recently spilled over onto /.. It’s not hard to understand why some people might think MMR causes autism, since almost all cases of autism develop within a few months or years of the MMR shot. Isn’t the connection obvious?

It got me wondering about what other afflictions might be caused by those pesky vaccines. Then it suddenly struck me—I’m a victim myself!

When I was around ten or eleven, I had a diph-tet shot which hurt like hell and made my arm swell up for a couple of weeks. Not too long afterwards, maybe a matter of months, I started noticing other symptoms. I started getting hair where I hadn’t had any before, and some lumps I had always had between my legs but never given much attention started to grow; I started having intermittent pains in the larger joints and in my chest muscles; social interaction became awkward and strained; my speech became distorted. There is absolutely no doubt—this all started after my diph-tet shot.

I think I’ll call The Observer right away. The public has a right to know!

13 thoughts on “Vaccines cause autism and… what, exactly?”

  1. Please excuse the deletion of my last post, there is no edit option after post and I needed to correct my comment.


    You really need to do some research, if you did you’d find that autism and the effects of mercury poisoning just happen to carry identical characteristics.

    It is a fact that most vaccines contain toxic mercury, many of them grossly in excess of EPA permissible standards for ADULTS!

    Perhaps someday you’ll have a child affected by this as I do, and when you try to get your doctors to further research or look into your own research deeper and they blow you off, you’ll feel a bit differently.

    So sad that big pharma propaganda seems to have won you over. Profit over people…that’s life, right? Oh, and I hope that you don’t mind abortion either, considering they use aborted fetal cells in most vaccines we use!

  2. Your hypothesis hinges on a single assumption: that autism did not occur before the use of thimerosal in vaccines. This is provably incorrect.
    There is a false correlation between autism and thimerosal because the term “autism” was formally adopted as a diagnostic classification around the same time thimerosal was first introduced. However, the word “autism” was coined in 1910, and the condition has been described in medical literature since the 1800s, and informally long before that (viz. fey children, changelings, elves, etc. as well as more reliable accounts by, amongst others, Martin Luther)

    Furthermore, your claim that “aborted fetal cells are used in most vaccines that we use” is fabricated out of whole cloth. If you cannot accept that, feel free to provide documentation to the contrary.

    Finally, I understand your need to find someone to blame for the condition of your child and the effect it has had on your life, but tilting at windmills is not going to make your child better or your life easier. If I were you, I would spend less effort on this misguided crusade and more on helping my child overcome his or her handicap.

  3. You don’t need to go back that far to see how Autism and vaccines have a connection. As the schedule for vaccinating increases (now it is nearly 30 shots by age 18 months!), as does the cases of Autism.

    They are overdosing our children on toxic preservatives that they very well could cut down on or eliminate. There are alternatives.

    Here is a very well written article backed by research you should check out:

    I have studied this subject for years and I’m secure with my understanding of vaccines.

    As for the aborted fetal cells, here are some links to see for yourself:

    I don’t know if that makes any difference to you, but there you go. It is a fact that aborted fetal cells are used in most common vaccines, at least here in the U.S. where I live. That may or may not matter to you, but I personally find it disturbing, and I’m pro-choice.

    Lastly, asking me to just give up on understanding what caused my daughters Autism is ridiculous. I am perfectly able to love my daughter with my whole self and give her what she needs while actively looking into what I feel has caused her challenges. You sound like your doing PR for these companies, are they paying you?

    “Don’t ask questions ‘mam, just go back to sleep, everything is under our control…”

    The jury is not out on this. You may have your mind made up, and that’s fine. But the big picture is that more and more people, including doctors and industry insiders, are coming forward and talking about the problems with our vaccines. Maybe you should stop giving advice on this issue and just go and enjoy your own life, and be grateful that you haven’t had to deal with this issue first hand.

  4. In re “toxic preservatives”, since you’re so well informed, I assume you know that thimerosal hasn’t been since 1999?

    In re “aborted fetus cells”, two things: first, the sources you quote contradict each other; second, these are cell lines, meaning cell cultures descended through many generations (years or decades) from the original sample, rather than cells taken from aborted fetuses.

    Finally, in re the growing incidence of autism:

    Autism carries a strong stigma, leading to a strong reluctance on the part of doctors to diagnose it, and on the part of parents to accept the diagnosis. Remember that for a long time, autism was thought to be the result of inadequate parenting, especially on the part of the mother. As autism is gradually becoming socially acceptable, more and more cases that would previously go unreported are now reported.

    Autism is also believed to be hereditary, to a much larger degree than any other psychiatric or developmental condition, and people with autism-spectrum disorder (you’d be surprised how many science and tech geeks have Asperger’s or unspecified ASD) are increasingly marrying each other and having children with an increased risk of ASD. This is not a joke, and I am at risk myself.

    If you decide to set aside your dogmatic delusions and really learn about autism, I suggest you start here:

    Autism: Past, Present, Future, Speculative

    Books on Autism, Developmental Disabilities, and Teaching Methods

    Both by Elizabeth Moon, mother of an autistic child and author of (amongst many other books) The Speed of Dark.

  5. In re “toxic preservatives”, since you’re so well informed, I assume you know that thimerosal hasn’t been since 1999?

    In re “aborted fetus cells”, two things: first, the sources you quote contradict each other; second, these are cell lines, meaning cell cultures descended through many generations (years or decades) from the original sample, rather than cells taken from aborted fetuses.

    Finally, in re the growing incidence of autism:

    Autism carries a strong stigma, leading to a strong reluctance on the part of doctors to diagnose it, and on the part of parents to accept the diagnosis. Remember that for a long time, autism was thought to be the result of inadequate parenting, especially on the part of the mother. As autism is gradually becoming socially acceptable, more and more cases that would previously go unreported are now reported.

    Autism is also believed to be hereditary, to a much larger degree than any other psychiatric or developmental condition, and people with autism-spectrum disorder (you’d be surprised how many science and tech geeks have Asperger’s or unspecified ASD) are increasingly marrying each other and having children with an increased risk of ASD. This is not a joke, and I am at risk myself.

    If you decide to set aside your dogmatic delusions and really learn about autism, I suggest you start here:

    Autism: Past, Present, Future, Speculative

    Books on Autism, Developmental Disabilities, and Teaching Methods

    Both by Elizabeth Moon, mother of an autistic child and author of (amongst many other books) The Speed of Dark.

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