My nerd is showing

Annoyance of the day, triggered by rifling through my considerable collection of geek T-shirts this morning, trying to decide what to wear: I have the Wil Wheaton Code shirt, but can’t wear it because people think it’s me. I don’t want to be known as the guy who wears a shirt with a picture of himself. The only person who’s ever recognized it at first sight was my fifty-something boss. Instead of «who’s that?», he asked «Star Trek or BBT?». I almost proposed to him on the spot.

(I finally settled on the discontinued ThinkGeek code monkey shirt)

Wires and switches

ESR is at it again:

I can best introduce you to our concerns by quoting another of our
philosopher / elders, John Gilmore. He said: “The Internet interprets
censorship as damage and routes around it.”

To understand that, you have to grasp that “the Internet” isn’t just a
network of wires and switches, it’s also a sort of reactive social
organism composed of the people who keep those wires humming and those
switches clicking. John Gilmore is one of them. I’m another. And there
are some things we will not stand having done to our network.

Dear ESR,

I’m pretty sure John Gilmore knows that wires aren’t supposed to hum and switches aren’t supposed to click. It seems you don’t. Perhaps it would be best if you stepped away from the Internet before you break something expensive.

Dag-Erling collating papers

As soon as I realized that I had forgotten to tick the “collate” box when I printed out five copies of The Eye of Argon and that I would therefore have to collate them by hand, I knew I had to have this photo taken.

I hereby challenge the Internet to collate the hell out of some papers. Remember to link to the original.


Objectively subjective

What is truth?

This question is being asked with increasingly frequency these days, and I’m sure some of you winced when you read it. However, it was very much on my mind when I stepped out of the shower this morning, owing to the fact that my 50 l water heater does not allow me to shower long enough to get warm after a night in a chilly room.

What does that have to do with epistemology? Well, it led me to reflect on the semantics of the following statements:

  1. I am cold.
  2. I feel cold.

Setting aside their truthfulness, which of these statements is objective, and which is subjective? Continue reading “Objectively subjective”