The brave ones

K is away, so I stave off the loneliness and boredom* by playing Morrowind and spending some quality time with the idiot box. Yesterday was Madagascar 2 (not as good as the first one), today was The Brave One.

I didn’t expect much of a film I found in the DVD discount bin barely more than a year after its release, but I thought it was pretty good, although I agree with the critics that its artistic pretensions came off as, well, pretentious, and did more harm than good. The rolling camera angles in some of the scenes (such as immediately before the attack where David is killed) made me seasick, and the sitting-in-the-diner-talking-not-looking-at-each-other-except-they-are-actually-looking-at-each-other-in-the-mirror-behind-the-bar trick passed me (and probably 99% of the audience) by until it was pointed out in the behind-the-scenes featurette, and even then it just seemed… lame.

Still, I’m never one to turn down a Jodie Foster flick. She’s one of my favorite “strong woman” actors, along with Sigourney Weaver and Linda Hamilton. Continue reading “The brave ones”

My calendar wall, July 2009

Ha! I beat Leisha!

At the 2008 24 Heures du Mans, car #2 (an Audi R10 TDI run by Champion Racing under the Audi Sport North America brand) passes a screen that displays real-time video from a camera placed in its unoccupied right seat. I’m not positive, but from the helmet colors (silver with red stripes and yellow highlights), I think the driver is living legend Tom Kristensen. This car went on to win the race, while their #1 car ranked sixth and Audi Sport Team Joest‘s #3 car finished fourth.

The lighting was difficult—despite the flash, you can see patches of light from the window shining onto the calendar, which is printed on very shiny cardboard.

Sharpened rooms / Chambres affutées

For your convenience, this blog entry is bilingual. Pour mieux vous accomoder, cet article est bilingue.

Missed the plane back from Paris (Depeche Mode were awesome; more about that later—as soon as I take delivery of a new batch of round tuits), and had to stay overnight at the Ibis Orly hotel, which for your information does not have a Tex-Mex restaurant. What it does have is a typical French grill restaurant (think Hippopotamus but double the prices).

Ayant raté l’avion au retour de Paris (Depeche Mode étaient épatants ; j’en vous rendrai compte à l’occasion), nous avons du passer la nuit à l’hôtel Ibis Orly, qui, je vous signale, n’a pas de restaurant Tex-Mex, mais simplement un restaurant grill typiquement français (genre Hippopotamus mais deux fois plus cher). Continue reading “Sharpened rooms / Chambres affutées”

My calendar wall, June 2009

Sorry, Leisha, I just couldn’t resist.

That’s the only wall calendar I have. The reason why the corner curves out from the wall is that there are three large computers just off to the right, with powerful fans blowing hot air towards the wall.

The photo is of an Audi R10 TDI Le Mans prototype—specifically, Audi Sport Team Joest‘s #3 car that finished fourth at the 2008 24 Heures du Mans (the #1 and #2 cars placed 6th and 1st respectively)—taken during a night-time pit stop. One driver is unbuckling to get out of the car as the other rushes to replace him; meanwhile, a mechanic is refueling the car.

More car porn here.