My cod’s compiling

My wife is a researcher at the Centre for Ecological and Evolutionary Synthesis. She is currently involved in a project to sequence and annotate the Gadus morhua genome. In case you didn’t know, sequencing a genome requires breaking it into tiny little bits, sequencing the little bits, and assembling the results into a complete genome. This takes time. Lots of time. On Wednesday, K and I were both wearing the same T-shirt, and one of K’s cow-orkers made the obvious pun. I just couldn’t resist running with it:

The original is here.

Life’s difficult choices

10:04  geez
10:04  parking's a bitch
10:04  every morning
10:04  I arrive at work
10:04  and I turn into the parking lot
10:04  and I'm like
10:04  shit
10:05  between which of these Audis do I want to park my Audi today?
10:05  I swear, there are so many rings on that lot it's like Sauron held
                 a convention for Nazgul and the dwarves and elves crashed the party
10:06  annnnyway
10:06  meeting
10:07  * EvilDES &

S’il vous plais Donné moi, tout vautre argent

Ils sont marrants quand même ces hameçonneurs…

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Support Clients Service.

Je compte vingt fautes de grammaires, sept fautes d’orthographe, quatre erreurs typographiques et plusieurs erreurs de vocabulaire et de style. Le correcteur orthographique de Firefox s’est tapé un anévrisme quand il a vu ça…


«Er det så farlig, da?»

I går så jeg et perfekt (det vil si ikke oppkonstruert) eksempel på at det er så farlig: jeg kjørte forbi et vogntog som fraktet et par enorme stålbjelker. Bak vogntoget var det en følgebil med blinkenlights og et skilt der det stod «LANG TRANSPORT».

Helt riktig. Det var en lang transport (selv om det kanskje strengt tatt skulle stått «langt vogntog»). Og det er noe helt annet enn langtransport.